The detailed hybrid capacities at the summit are to be determined, but we are aiming to create several avenues for participating in the conversation in addition to in-person presence.
No, the summit is open to all early career individuals being connected to and having a passion for Arctic and Antarctic spaces.
Everyone who applied to attend PECWS was notified of their application status in December 2024. If you have not seen this email, please check your spam folder prior to emailing the PECWS team about your application status.
If you will require a visa in order to attend the Polar Early Career World Summit 2025, please head over to the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) website and request an invitation letter through ASSW. You do not need to wait for PECWS or ASSW registration to open before requesting a letter.
This is open to self-definition. We ask that if you consider yourself to be an established or mid-career professional that you keep this space open for those earlier in their career.